Mothers Day
I sure did forgot it...... (A)
Stromae - Alors on Danse
and I´m still not done...
But when i´m dont I can have some Nutella (A) =D=D=D
but it´s cool^^
I like =)
Balen Från Början Till Slut
Tar det här på svenska XD
Balen igår var jätterolig!!!
Verkligen något som man skulle vilja göra om
Alla var uppklädda och uppförde sig =)
Jag och min wifey var absolut snyggast där! =D
fick massa kommentarer från alla
t.o.m. lärarna älskade oss =)
Maten vi fick var jättegod
jag satt vid ett bord med 18 tjejer XD
vi va bara 2 killar vid det bordet XD
(yeeeeah =D)
Det enda som var lite tråkigt var att vi inte dansade så mycket Vals
Va sjukt roligt att se alla lärare som blev drunk XD
de var vildast där XD
Prom!!! =D
dress 2 impress ;) XD
been listenon to N-Dubz for a while now
and for beeing a british group they are really good! =D
N-Dubz - we dance on
Design Your Blog
for you people that have a hard time creating a nice design for your blog
there is a software called artisteer
a simple software that will create the perfect design =)
Good Life!
just did the last test!!!!!
from now on
life is good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
got my last test!
it´s the last time i´ve studied for a test
technically school´s over!
and the even funnier thing is that we have the prom tonight!!!! =D
Karin Olofsson
Anna Furberg
Erik Anoff
Deras kommentarer var de roligaste
och därför var de också mest unika =)
Congrats to you people!
De vann 2 biljetter var till galapremiären av filmen Streetdance 3D! =D
50Cent Goes Crackhead
the right picture shows how 50Cent usually looks
and the left picture shows how he looks at the moment......
he lost 24kg for some part in a movie
Never though I would see this heppen
but I did
50 actually became uglier than usual...
He look like a freaking crackhead on the left pic XD
![Rapparens drastiska viktnedgång](
Tensta is a murderer!!!
killing every track
Addeboy vs. Cliff – Sinner ft. Adam Tensta & Eboi.
Going Strong
check this out
at this early time of the day I´ve already got over 300 visitors =D
just wait
I will be the new Kenza or Foki ;) (NO HOMO!!!!!)
But the thing is if you look at the comments
it´s only girls reading my blog god damn it XD
there are leka 1% dudes XD
Sista Dagen!
Sista dagen! =O
idag delas 6 biljetter ut till 3 vinnare!
kommentera och berätta vilken dansstil du föredrar! =)
vinnaren kommer få 2 biljetter till galapremiären av den nya dansfilmen Streetdance 3D
3 vinnare kommer få 2 biljetter vardera =)
(sista dagen är 27/5, idag)
POWER RANGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I could cry right now...
THIS IS THE BEST SHOW EVER MADE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Power Rangers Theme - Mighty Morphin 1 - The best free videos are right here
this is the intro of the show I used to watch as a kid
and the other video is the start screen of the game on SEGA! =D
Sista dagen! =O
imorgon delas 6 biljetter ut till 3 vinnare!
ska göra det lättare nu eftersom folk är lata XD
kommentera och berätta vilken dansstil du föredrar! =)
vinnaren kommer få 2 biljetter till galapremiären av den nya dansfilmen Streetdance 3D
3 vinnare kommer få 2 biljetter vardera =)
(sista dagen är 27/5, imorgon)
Jonas Hassen Khemiri
(the dude that wrote "Ett Öga Rött")
don´t let the nerdy look fool you
because that dude was hilarious!!! XD
love him! (no homo) XD
It´s still going strong!!!
ska göra det lättare nu eftersom folk är lata XD
kommentera och berätta vilken danstil du föredrar! =)
vinnaren kommer få 2 biljetter till galapremiären av den nya dansfilmen Streetdance 3D
3 vinnare kommer få 2 biljetter vardera =)
(sista dagen är 27/5, nästa torsdag)
Duck Tales!!!!
Another show I jused to watch when I was a kid! =D
The shows back in the days were much better than what´s on TV today! =O
The Human Centipede
like scare the hell out of you
It´s called The Human Centipede (Mänskliga tusenfotingen)
I have to ee this one fur sure!
even if it´s the last thing I do XD
Near The End
I will nail this one so good! =D
And if god loves me just a little
I will nail the chemistry on friday too =P
The cool thing is that I in some way passaed the spanish test...
don´t ask me how...
"My Adidas!!!" - Run DMC!!!
you gotta love them!!!!!
will look so fly on prom and graduation!!! =D
this was one of my favorite shows when I kwas a kid
Kondom FTW XD
most awesome thing happened on the train!!! XD
Some dude had to run out of the train
he was to fast for his bag
so he accidently dropped something
when I looked at it I saw what it was
a package of kondoms
at first I didn´t know what to do
but then the whole train started to laugh XD
I´m till laughing XD
T-Shirt War 2!
these dudes have done it again! =D
you gotta lvoe their videos! =D
Jedi Powers!!!
so cool stuff!!!!
would play with this all day long! XD
So Stupid!
he won 10 000 euro on some lottery ticket
and at the time he won he was on a plane
he couldn´t cash in the ticket
so he got mad and ate it! XD
so freaking stupid!
just wait til you land and then get your money
don´t eat the ticket!!!! XD
I sure hope it´s not the actor Jackie Chan
cuz that dude can´t even speak clearly XD
but listen to the lyrics!
most useless and funny lyrics in a long time!!! XD
Kid Cudi ft. Jackie Chan - rollin
It´s still going strong!!!
ska göra det lättare nu eftersom folk är lata XD
kommentera och berätta vilken danstil du föredrar! =)
vinnaren kommer få 2 biljetter till galapremiären av den nya dansfilmen Streetdance 3D
3 vinnare kommer få 2 biljetter vardera =)
(sista dagen är 27/5, nästa torsdag)
Iron Man For Real!
If I had this suit I would walk, eat, shower and sleep in it!
would never take it off!
Why Does It Rain?
Why does it have to rain today?!?!?!
I had big plans for this day
and then the stupid rain came...
Hollywood Fruar
så har de börjat med Norska Hollywood fruar nu X_X
Asså förstår de inte att de e pinsamma? XD
kanske e dags att ta på mig mina ninjakläder och assassinate de (A)
Det värsta e att de norska kommer vara ännu värre
bara för att de e norska (A)
Swedish Girls
Mikey Mic - Swedish Girls
Ok Then... XD
Still Going Strong!
It´s still going strong!!!
ska göra det lättare nu eftersom folk är lata XD
kommentera och berätta vilken danstil du föredrar! =)
vinnaren kommer få 2 biljetter till galapremiären av den nya dansfilmen Streetdance 3D
3 vinnare kommer få 2 biljetter vardera =)
(sista dagen är 27/5, nästa torsdag)
Hi Hater!!! XD
I hate spanish
I hate school
I hate studying
and I hate everything that has to do anything with any of these subjects above
for you that don´t remember what POG is
here is a picture =)
I had like millions of these XD
I loved this shit when I was a kid! =D
and I still do (A)
will show you the painting ;)
it´s so cool!!!! =D
Hard Work Work
I really need to find something right now XD
or my summer will be fucked....
you can´t walk around without no money...
David Moore & Bryan Tanaka
made by David Moore & Bryan Tanaka
and I love the song too (A)
Cool Art! =D
so here they are =)
Can u see the word that´s hiding above? ;)
Jake Gyllenhaal! ;)
You can see how all guys hate Jake Gyllenhaal right now XD
you have to see the movie Prince Of persia to understand why ;)
he´s freaking fit it that movie XD
and this is how he did it =P
ha practiced with the creators of Le Parkour David Belle and Sebasien Foucan
Don´t know why I´m writing about this XD
just think it´s funny XD
Fly Shoes!!!
love this shoe!!!
not the typical prom shoe
but I will look so FLYYYYYY! =D
Adidas Lo OT-Tech!
tokio tech line
TÄVLINGEN Är Fortfarande Igång! =D
vinnaren kommer få 2 biljetter till galapremiären av den nya dansfilmen Streetdance 3D
Enda du behöver göra är att kommentare och i kommentaren länka till videoklippet med ditt favorit dancemove! =D
kan även vara vara en hel show, en speciell stil eller bara ett enda move!
det bestämmer du själv =)
personen med det roligaste/bästa/kreativaste eller coolaste klippet vinner biljetter
spelar ingen roll om det är du som dansar eller om du hittat nåt klipp på youtube =)
3 vinnare kommer få 2 biljetter vardera =)
(sista dagen är 27/5, nästa torsdag)
Woohoo! =D
tog ett lååångt tag innan jag kom igång
men nu har jag faktiskt väldigt många läsare =)
måste skryta lite med det XD (A)
don´t forget to post your faovrite dancemove up on the blog^^
It´s a movie that has to be seen! =P
Streetdance TÄVLING! =)
det kommer vara en liten tävling
vinnaren kommer få 2 biljetter till galapremiären av den nya dansfilmen Streetdance 3D
Enda du behöver göra är att kommentare och i kommentaren länka till videoklippet med ditt favorit dancemove! =D
kan även vara vara en hel show, en speciell stil eller bara ett enda move!
det bestämmer du själv =)
personen med det roligaste/bästa/kreativaste eller coolaste klippet vinner biljetter
spelar ingen roll om det är du som dansar eller om du hittat nåt klipp på youtube =)
3 vinnare kommer få 2 biljetter vardera =)
(sista dagen är 27/5, nästa torsdag)
Bumblebee vs Filip part 2
Last night the bumblebee came back to visit me...
luckily this time it was only 1 =P
this time I didn´t fight it
I took of within 1 second XD
got my mom and let her get rid of it (A)
Don´t know why they are keep coming back
they want to kill me! =O
Going to watch the ballet prouction of Romeo And Juliet today XD
(no homo)
but I think it will be cool =D
The thing that fucked my day is that my headphones broke-.-
starting to feel the panik XD
Megan Fox
some dude took nude pictures of Megan Fox
and she gets mad for that?
If I were that hot I would walk around naked all day everyday
and shy sais stuff like "I will hurt the on that took the pictures"
I mean come on...
you can´t do shit...
we saw what you did in Transformers...
you didn´t fight once...
we like you because you´re hot
not because you´re a good actress...
Im sorry but it´s true (A)
So come on
show what you got
don´t be so selfish.... (A)
check it out
------------> <-----------
(NO HATE!^^)
20.05 (2)
omg I rocked (A)
we hade to learn how to eat, behave proper and all that kind of sh*t for the prom =P
like come on...
I know how to eat (A)
but the beahaving part can be a problem (A) XD
and jsut about to leave
this is what people call "the fast life"
gotta love it! =D
Had a great time last night =)
and I feel really good today! =D
But right now I´m late for school XD
Feel The Rush
Shaggy - Feel The Rush
looking so fresh right now!
ladies watch out! XD
Gotta get going
today´s my schools "skiva" ;)
will be cool^^
with dinner and everything =D
Filip vs Bumblebee
I were at my room studying for a test
when all of sudden
a freaking bumblebee flies into the room
Within 1 second I turn into "ninja mode"
trying to kill it without getting killed myself
While I´m fighting the bumblebee
another one flies in to my room...
a bigger one X_X
At this point my "Ninja Mode" turns into "Prison Break Mode"
my mission is now to get out of the room and just survive
I got out in one piece and got my mome (A)
by the time she gets to the room the bumblebees are gone...
P*SSYS!!!!! (A)
They knew they couldn´t beat me ;)
Monster Beats!
1 more thing!!!!!!!!
I tried the Monster Beats today!!!!!!!!!!
I´m in love with those headphones!!!!!!!
and soon they will be mine!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =D=D=D=D=D
will be the only one wearing them =)
SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
really good movie!
it´s as good as the game
toatally worth seeing
And I just had my last Ballet class for this season =P
looking forward to it again^^
it´s a f*cking miracle
I´ve already passed the "commit suicide"-level XD
so the only thing left is to suffer X_X
Chris Breezy
(the beat is actually from "The last Mohican")
Chris Brown & Rob Allen - You Need
I just have to make clear that Wolverine is a bad ass
sure he´s name means "järv" (Djuret järv)
but come on...
look at him
The truth behind Wolverine is that he´s some can of mix between:
Super Shark
Look at that combo...
that´s awesomeness on a high level! =D
(This goes out to Erik, I hope you get it now^^)
just gotta say
chicken is the shit!!!!
if I could I would marry a chicken! (no homo)
Jag åt fullkornsflingor imorse
det är en helt vanlig morgon för mig
men just idag va ja extra hungrig
så ja tog MYYYCKET mer än vanligt
Kände mig mätt och belåten
och tyckte jag va duktig som åt en ordentlig frukost
men ja skulle komma att ångra detta under dagen
Kom precis hem
och jag åkte imorse klockan 9
under desas timmar har jag lidit som aldrig förr
Fullkornet satte igång min mage
och har gått runt som en tidsinställd bomb
Kan säga att nu när ja kom hem var det ingen rolig syn (A) XD
Det här är nog det äckligaste inlägget på länge XD
men väldigt roligt dock (A)
I feel pretty happy today =O
a little too happy XD
i´ts monday god damn it
mondays are never happy XD
Electric Avenue
gotta love it! =D
Eddy Grant - Electric Avenue
in 3 weeks I´m graduating
that´s freaking amazing
feels like I should grow up now! =O
It´s so cool
soon I´m finally through with school! =D
I Dare You
Kevin Cossom (Ft. Rick Ross & Lil Jon) - I Dare You
Teach Me How To Jerk
Audio Push - teach me how to jerk
Summer FTW!!!!
nice weather outside
time to cruise! =D
I´m outta here!
Walking On Water
these dudes are actually walking or water....
a new upcoming sport called Liquid Mountaineering
just watch the clip
freaking amazing stuff!!
Been working here at home the whole day now XD
cleaning, cooking and all that kind of stuff =P
but it feels good now when I´m done^^
Thinking of watching Twilight today XD
haven´t seen them
and want to see why people hype that movie so much =P
Break Up
I´m sorry but this is hilarious XD
best break up letter ever XD
(You can se in the bottom where I took it)
don´t ask why XD
but it´s really good! =D
SUGIURUMN - star baby (feat.Miyuki Hatakeyama)
Kurupt - Who Ride Wit Us (Feat. Daz Dillinger)
Sneakers Or What?
is it ok to wear sneakers with a suit?
I think it´s fresh
I just can´t wear those ugly ass shoes that I´m supposed to wear...
but maybe I should?
Haven´t done anything today XD
but will go out for a run soon^^
and I really have to study...
got like 100 pages for wednesday X_X
Dress to Impress
soon I´m graduating
and we are working with our yearbook
there will be a few awards
and people have been voting for me as best dressed! =D
that´s cool =)
been listening to it 24/7!!!!
Yung Berg feat. K-Young - Smith N' Wesson
Fucking Idiots...
and I actually think that I did well on all of them! =O
On my way home I took the bus
and the sickest thing happened...
all of sudden the bus pulled the breakes
some car pulled infront of the bus...
and a kid (maybe 5-6 years old)
flew like 3 meters through the bus
and hit his head in the front panel and passed out
i swear to god I though he died...
and nobody on the bus helped the kid not even the driver....
fucking idiots!
I had to help the kid by myself until his mom came (the bus was full so she had a hard time getting to the front)
Sometimes I really wonder why people are so dumd!!!!
just help the kid god damn it!!!
and I reeeeeeally have to study
got 3 tests tomorrow XD
so I can´t waste any time here right now XD
After taking my shower this morning
I realized that my hair is an disaster...
look like a retarded lion or something XD
the time has come to cut my hair
Shoes for Swag
and have the prom in school
and I need shoes to fit my suit
I just can´t wear them ugly ass shoes I´m supposed to wear to my suit
I want something that is more "me"
So I have 2 shoes here that I´m considering=)
help me out? =)
A regular monday
got a whole lot of crap to do in school
but that´s cool
not much left in school now! =D
But today...
a person did somehting amazing for me
nicest thing anyone ever done for me! =O
won´t tell you what (A)
but it made my day, week and month
Money money money money!!!!!
amazing song!!! =D
You gotta love it!!!!!
O' jays - For the love of money
a chillizzle day when you don´t do too much^^
exactly what I needed
I´m ready for the next week =D
Lazee was off the hook!!!!
soooooooooooo good
just got home
and got to hit the shower
and then leave again XD
this is what we call
"living the fast life"
been running around the whole day...
and it´s not over
going to take a shower
and then to my next stop
The Strip!
Lazee is performing and I can´t miss that!!!! (A)
That Hype!!!!!
You can´t miss the hypest party this year! =O
today at The Strip
with Lazee performing!!!!!
it will be off the chain!!!!!!!
Big Booty Bitches
love this!! XD
Big Booty Bitches
This make me wanna get kids!!!! XD
a perambulator shaped as one of the tanks in Star Wars!!!!
so nerdy
but so cool!!!!
Americas Next Top Model!
the model thingy was so fun!
and I was so god! =O
the pic on me was amazing!!! =O
for real!
will show you later on =)
You will see me on Americas Next Top Model! ;)
Robin Thice
Robin Thicke is just amazing!
Robin Thicke - Fall Again
Today is going to be awesome!!!! =D
gonna be a model^^
yeah you gona see me on the cover of Elle ;)
just kidding XD
will tell you everything about it later^^
The best thing is that I don´t have to go to school (A)
saw the new version of the movie Nightmare on Elme Street
a preview again^^
it was ok =P
not the best movie...
but aaight^^
And then had my ballet class
those classes are really funny now =)
feels like the group finally communicat =P
Funkytown is the shizzle!!! =D
Lipps Inc - Funkytown
Usher 2.0
but the remix is aaaaaaight
nice song to grind too ;) (A)
Usher ft. Juelz Santana, Trey Songz & Plies - Hey Daddy (Remix)
03.05 (2)
and then make it your own
respect to all the hard working folks
but I hate byters...
a byter is someone that copies you EXACTLY
A few days ago I wrote
"Livet leker. Lek med livet"
and look what someone did when they read it =P
that same person have been taking "my" dancemoves
Don´t get me wrong
I love to inspire people
and to help
but hey, don´t steal all my stuff
keep up the hard work
but bring your own stuff too ;)
NO HATE!!!! =) <3
at my first lesson X_X
but i will nail it =)
at least I hope so XD
And yeah
yesterday I cruised around with my kickbike! =D
everbody looked at me in a strange way XD
but I was so COOL! =D
Super Mario
BEST HOODIE EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so nice
would wear it everyday
avaiable at
Mansions on the Moon - She Makes Me Feel
so I will just say
enjoy the nice weather!!!!
Created by Peter Root
took him 40 hours and 100,000 staples to do this...
big up man!!
Lek med livet! ;)
High Five Etiquette
so funny XD
High Five Etiquette
Fashion FTW XD
someone recommended me for a job there
and now I´ve got an interview^^
would ba awesome to work thare! =D